Islamic Culture & Photo Blog – Muslim Blog


ramadhan mubarak 1431h by famz1 WHY WE NEED RAMADAN?

We need a Ramadan, a month of  Tawbaah.

We need a Ramadan, a month of  Maghfira.

We need a Ramadan to correct our behavior, to correct the differences & the difficulties and the envy / jealousies in our relationship between one another.

We need a Ramadan to understand that we have been committing injustice to one and another. And as the Prophet (pbuh) said : Continue Reading →

What prayer of sick person in Islam?

June 3rd, 2013
by Sufia

dua for sick 600x396 What prayer of sick person in Islam?

Human body is actually a combination of systems which work in a coordinated manner to keep you in a healthy and active state. There are natural defense mechanisms included in human body by Allah Almighty which work by killing the harmful and unwanted pathogens. But humans are prone to get ill and suffer from many different diseases throughout their lives. Continue Reading →

Mistakes To Avoid During Times Of Success And Happiness

April 2nd, 2013
by Sufia

In Times Of Success We Presume That It Was Predictable

success happiness 600x300 Mistakes To Avoid During Times Of Success And Happiness

Most of us presume that success in predictable when we are constantly successful, and we forget that it was Allah who had blessed us with success. And in times of success we forget about Allah and think that the success that we achieve was bound to come. In those moments of success we should remember that Allah can turn success into failure in the blink of an eye. Continue Reading →

Beneficial ways Muslims can spend the holidays

March 21st, 2013
by Sufia

muslim vacation Beneficial ways Muslims can spend the holidays

In Islam there are 3 main holidays: Eid Al-Adha, Eid Al-Fitr and Ramadan. Eid Al-Fitr is well known at the ending of Ramadan (a month of fasting), and Muslims sometimes offer charity on the occasion.

Eid Al-Adha is well known as pilgrimage (annual journey to Mecca), that is one in 5 pillars. Muslims sacrifice an animal and distribute its meat among family, friends and also the poor. All Muslim holidays follow the calendar, and so move every year depending to the calendar. The Muslim calendar has twelve months and 354 days on a year, and 355 days on an intercalary year. Continue Reading →

Muslims Splitting into 73 firqas

March 15th, 2013
by Sufia

divisions Muslims Splitting into 73 firqas


The Qur’an goes to great lengths to stress the need and obligation of Muslim unity. For instance, it states: And hold fast, altogether, to the rope of God and be not divided.[3:102] In another passage it says:Be not like the idolaters. Those who split up their religion and become sects, each party rejoicing in what it has. Continue Reading →

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